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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Which announcement was inspired by Elvis’s refusal to do encores? The Saturday quiz

1 Which monarch was Queen Victoria’s eldest grandchild?2 Where are the crypts of Lieberkühn?3 What announcement was inspired by Elvis’s refusal to do encores?4 Which mammal is named after a mythological half-woman, half-snake?5 Which micronation is based on HM Fort Roughs in the North Sea?6 In the US, what is known as “the vine that ate the South”?7 In terms of length v width, what is the world’s narrowest country?8 What was kept at Westminster Abbey from 1296 to 1996?What links:
9 Catharine; Sanditon; The Watsons?10 Blue Crush; From Here to Eternity; Lilo & Stitch; The Descendants?11 1900; 1924; 2024?12 Exodus 20:2–17 and 34:11–26; Deuteronomy 5:6–21?13 Daryl Dixon; Dead City; The Ones Who Live; World Beyond?14 Bog in Scotland; goldmines in Japan; Roman road in Italy; sand dunes in Brazil?15 Francis Drake; Clint Eastwood; Jerry Springer; Richard Whittington?
1 Kaiser Wilhelm II.2 Small intestine.3 “Elvis has left the building.”4 Echidna.5 Sealand.6 Kudzu.7 Chile.8 Stone of Scone/Destiny.9 Unfinished works by Jane Austen.10 Films set in Hawaii.11 Paris Olympics.12 Lists of the Ten Commandments in the Bible.13 TV spin-offs from The Walking Dead.14 Named Unesco world heritage sites in 2024: Flow Country; Sado Island gold mines; Via Appia; Lençóis Maranhenses national park.15 Mayors: Plymouth; Carmel-by-the-Sea; Cincinnati; London.
